HTC EVO LTE 4G Android Phone (Sprint) Reviews and Specifications

Posted by me.. Monday, September 3, 2012 0 comments
HTC EVO LTE 4G Android Phone (Sprint) | The HTC EVO is a 4G LTE Android operating program handling program os mobile mobile mobile cellphone that has an amazing 4.7-inch HD show that will allow you to take, view and provide pictures and films with the amazing 8.0 MP photo photographic camera presenting immediate catch. Pay attention to songs the way the professional developed with Surpasses Audio and enjoy cleaner, better contacting with HD discussion abilities. Want to look at a movie? The 1.5GHz Double Main processer and come back of the kickstand will allow you to look at films instantly on the ultra-fast 4G LTE program. The latest Android operating program handling program os edition (Ice Cream Sandwich) and HTC Sense 4.0 merge to offer the greatest performance and good looks you predict out of an EVO product.

Note: Dash 4G LTE program is available in restricted trading marketplaces.

At just nine mm large, this mobile mobile mobile cellphone has a complete HD 1080p film catch, 16 GB storage space area space, Wireless wifi 3.0 relationship for hands-free gadgets and songs music operating, DLNA wifi operating abilities, GPS for direction-finding and location-based services, and up to 7.5 hours of talk-time.(see complete requirements below).

Need to hook up your pc to the worldwide web to create a records or email? Develop a mobile hot identify for up to eight gadgets at once with the quick 4G LTE relationship. Link-up your pc to the EVO’s Wi-Fi for quick online looking or create instantly to Wi-Fi styles.

Google Pockets is a need for those who shop on-the-go. At locations where Professional cards Paypass is approved, you can simply run your cards and the NFC (Near Area Communications) technological innovation will safely return exclusive cope information and store provides to complete your purchase. You will not spend a while to not have to stress with gradually cope options.

See More Specifications HTC EVO LTE 4G Android Phone (Sprint).
Price: Click Here Buy This Product From Amazon
Subject: HTC EVO LTE 4G Android Phone (Sprint) Reviews and Specifications
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